Making Blogging Great Again: Back to Basics

When people hear blogging these days, there’s generally a pre-conceived notion with it—marketing. Now, this can either be good or bad depending on how you look at it. Then depending on your exposure to marketing, blogging can also be associated with content creators, SEO, influencers, and the like.

But blogging didn’t start that way.

It was way simpler.

Back then, blogging was used to publish your own work and share your thoughts on it. It’s like your diary/journal, but online.

While today’s blogging has some similarities with its first use, people and businesses now focus too much on making “longer” and “better” content for the purpose of search engine optimization and get it to help them grow their business.

But it takes out the fun of blogging. It now becomes cumbersome. There are now so many “rules” when it comes to publishing blog posts:

  • Do proper keyword research
  • Make sure you format it properly so it’s easier to read
  • Add nice-looking graphics
  • Promote on multiple social media channels
  • Reach out to other websites and get backlinks

So, I’ll go the other route.

I know all those things are important. After all, that’s the industry I’m in. That’s what I do for my clients.

But for my website, I’ll return to the basics.

I’ll still write those types of posts, but not put pressure on myself to publish oner article a week with over 1500 words each.

Heard of Seth Godin? He’s one of those who went the other way. Check out his blog here. He writes daily. Yes. Every. Single. Day.

But it’s not similar to what you’re probably used to reading. It’s not full of pretty graphics. You won’t find thousand-word articles.

It’s really just a daily blog of what he’s thinking and seeing in the business and marketing world.

And guess what.

That’s what blogging was originally used for.

If you’re reading this, I also recommend you try it out.

Write what’s on your mind. Keep it simple. Share your thoughts. Don’t worry too much about rules. Focus on your audience.

What do you think? Is this something you’d like to try out yourself?

Ariel Lim

Ariel Lim

Management consultant / MBA / Inbound marketer who helps startups generate leads, create and execute strategies.

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