What Is an Email Marketing Software

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An email marketing software is a tool that marketers use for email marketing. The software is used for a variety of reasons. These include both technical and business reasons.

For example, some business-related reasons are growing a list of email subscribers, promoting your products/services to these subscribers, and providing valuable and helpful content. On the other hand, some technical-related reasons are designing and building customized email templates, segmenting the list, and tracking. 

The purpose of using email marketing software goes beyond simply sending emails. It should allow you to develop relationships with your prospects and customers while achieving your business goals.

Below are some key features your email marketing software should be able to do.

5 Key Features of Email Marketing Software for 2021

Apart from the ability to create, format, and send an email, these five key features are the minimum features your email marketing software should have. Why?

It’s 2021 already. The market changes so rapidly that if you don’t have these “basic” features, you’re being short-changed. You’re already losing. It’s like using floppy disks when everyone else is using 2T hard drives.

Feature #1: Segmentation

This feature has got to be at the top of the must-have’s. The ability to segment lists is the one feature that can make or break your email marketing.

I won’t get into the details here. You can read it in my other post.

A short summary is this: segmenting your list gives you the ability to sent relevant content. It also guarantees you don’t send irrelevant content.

Simple explanation of how lead management works

I’ve used this example a lot. It’s so simple yet very few organizations do this.

If you’re a pet store, you can easily group your prospects and customer list into 3 broad segments — dog owners, cat owners, others.

If you have those segments, when you send dog-related content, you only send to dog owners. After all, if they are cat owners, why would they care about dogs, right? If you send to everyone in your list — which is one of the ineffective email marketing tactics today — you’re simply sending irrelevant content.

Feature #2: Track and Analyze Performance

Digital marketing allows you to track almost everything. Tracking and analyzing performance is crucial if you want to stop wasting resources.
Your chosen email marketing software should allow you to track and analyze the performance of your email marketing activities — at least. Some advanced softwares allow you to connect your eCommerce store — where you can see how much revenues your campaigns and specific emails brought you.

Some basic metrics are the open rates and click-through rates of your emails.

A high-level overview of the two metrics and how you use them is this:

Open rate

Open rate is the % of people who opened your email. It is calculated as number of opens divided by total emails delivered.

The higher your open rate is, the more people viewed the content of your email.

PS: This is one of the vanity metrics you should stop obsessing on though. I’ll discuss more about this in another artilcle.

Click-through rate

Click-through rate (CTR) is the % of people who clicked on a link in your email. It is calculated by the number of clicks divided by the total opens.

The higher your CTR is, the more people are taking action on your email.

Feature 3: A/B Test

The ability to A/B test is a very important feature. It allows you to move from “I think” to “I know.” In other words, stop guessing.

When you use A/B tests, you determine which “variable” is better. There are, of course, a lot of applications for this in other aspects of digital marketing.

But in email marketing, the most popular A/B test is the Subject Line test. That’s where you test two (or more) subject lines.

Normally, the process for A/B testing goes like this:

  1. Determine variable to test
  2. Determine a metric to use
  3. Determine percentage of audience to test
  4. Determine time period to determine winner
  5. Execute

So if you’re doing the A/B test on a subject line, the thought-process goes like this:

  1. I want to test the subject line. I’m going with just 2 combinations.
  2. Since the content of my email is an announcement, I want more people to view it. So, the metric I’ll use is the open rate.
  3. I want to test the subject lines to 50% of my list.
  4. I’ll choose 4 hours
  5. Send

What will happen here is that once you hit send, 50% of the 50% will receive the subject line 1 and the other 50% will receive the subject line 2.

After 4 hours, the email marketing software will see which subject line has a higher open rate. Then, it sends that subject line to the remaining 50%.

Feature 4: CRM Integration

Your email marketing software should integrate smoothly with your CRM software.

This is especially true for B2B and for those who focus sell high-ticket items where it’s necessary to develop a real relationship with your customers (real estate, furniture, etc.).

For most organizations, the email marketing software acts as the master database. A CRM integration gives your salespeople the ability to see the bigger picture.

For example, if you’re using HubSpot, you’ll be able to see that contact’s interaction/engagement history. This can give you a better understanding of the concerns of that lead.

Here’s a specific example on one of the leads on my site. The person found me via LinkedIn. Then the lead subscribed to my newsletter on this specific page on my site.

Sample HubSpot Email Marketing Software - CRM Timeline
HubSpot Email Marketing Software / CRM Timeline

So, if you were the salesperson, you’d already have a starting point for your conversation. This will help you build rapport easily.

Feature 5: Automation

The last feature your email marketing software should have is the ability to make life easier for you. Email marketing automation is the process of automating activities you’d normally do yourself.

For example, sending a welcome email series to your new subscribers (like this one below).

MNLGrowkits First Purchase Welcome Series
MNLGrowkits First Purchase Welcome Series | MailChimp – Email Marketing Software

Or using auto-responders for action-based activities. For example, if you downloaded this case study, you’d get an email like this:

Sample autoresponder email on ariel-lim.com

There are a lot of uses of automation. It really depends on how your organization is set up and what your goals are.

These are the 5 key features your email marketing software should have. If your current system don’t have these, it’s high time to start looking for a new software.

But if your organization is still not using email marketing and are looking for a software, you can start with these features. Afterall, email marketing gives you the highest ROI across any channel — including social media.

5 Examples of Ineffective Email Marketing

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Email marketing is simple, but hard to execute properly. Most of the time, marketers blindly do what they are used to without realizing that there are more effective ways to use email marketing.

In this article, you’ll learn the 5 ineffective email marketing examples and why you should avoid them if you want to grow your business:

  1. Sending only newsletters
  2. Sending promos/discounts disguised as newsletters
  3. Not using autoresponders
  4. Sending to your entire list
  5. Not having a lead nurturing strategy

Stop for a moment and think about the last email you sent from your email marketing software.

I’m 99.99% sure that you call that email a newsletter. And I’m 99.99% sure that the contents of that email have something to do about your current promos or events.

Did I get that right?

If I did, read on.

If not, you’re most likely using email marketing effectively.

Ineffective Examples of Email Marketing: What Is It and How to Spot It

Before proceeding, I’d like to take this chance to say that this post contains examples of ineffective email marketing.

I highly recommend reading those. You might be doing those email marketing tactics but aren’t aware that they’re illegal. Or maybe you’re new to email marketing and the only thing you know are sending newsletters and promo emails.

Now that that’s out of the way, here’s a list of ineffective ways marketers use email marketing.

Why are they ineffective?

  1. These tactics are not violating any laws. If they did, they’ll be under the list of malpractices.
  2. They are not bringing in results to your organization. Or if they are, it’s most likely taking a long time. This is the primary reason why they are ineffective.

5 Ineffective Email Marketing Tactics Used by Marketers

1. Sending only newsletters

Sending newsletters is a given in any organization that uses email marketing. Most of the time, this is sent at least once a month.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. In fact, this is better than not sending any emails to your prospects and customers at all.

Why is this ineffective?

Studies have shown that it’s better to send an email at least every 2-4 weeks. This allows you to “stay top of mind” with your prospects and customers.

But if this is the only email type you’re sending, you’re not using email marketing fully. There are 12 different types of email you can send using email marketing.

And using only one puts you at a disadvantage.

2. Sending promos/discounts disguised as newsletters

Newsletters originally came from company bulletin boards. If you aren’t aware, these are spaces intended for posting of public messages, awards, and other memos.

Then, when organizations started using email, information was disseminated through the company mailing list. See, before the internet, email was only used internally by employees. Thus, the company newsletter.

When the internet arrived, marketers adopted this mass broadcasting of information.

In the early days of digital marketing, newsletters were used to summarize blog posts, company announcements, and events that happened to keep the public informed and up-to-date.

However, with the growth of eCommerce — especially the group buying and flash sale sites — the newsletter has lost its true purpose. It has become a way to advertise sales and promos.

Why is this ineffective?

Again, there’s nothing wrong with sending these kinds of email.

But, you have to be careful when you use this tactic. If you do not consider your message carefully, you will only end up sending irrelevant content to your email list.

Or another way to put it, if this is the only type of email you send out, you’re only going to irritate your recipients.

Here’s a specific example…

The call-to-action they have on their website is to join the newsletter. Pretty standard for an eCommerce site.

After joining, here’s the only thing I received from them:

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Everyday it’s about a sale. It’s about them getting something from me.

When people subscribe to a newsletter, they expect content. They expect to receive something valuable to them.

Not sales.

Not promotions.

Take a look at some of the organizations that do this well.

MailChimp's newsletter in my inbox, full of worthy content
WordStream's newsletter in my inbox, full of worthy content

Both send at different intervals.

  • MailChimp sends once a week;
  • WordStream sends daily emails

Do you see anything sales related?

The emails were all about me getting something from them. Not the other way around.

That’s also the biggest reason I read them all because it helps me grow. I learn from it. That’s why I keep using these services.

3. Not using auto-responders

Auto-responders fall under the transactional category of emails. They are sent only after a certain action by someone.

Most common uses of auto-responders are a reset password email and a confirmation email.

Why is this ineffective

If your organization is not using this, you are missing out on developing that relationship with your audience.

Auto-responders have the highest open rate among all types of emails. If you want to communicate something, this is the email to use.

If you’re using marketing offers (aka lead magnets), you should have a confirmation email that supports the message in your thank you page.

4. Not segmenting your list

Segmenting your list is one of the components of effective lead management.

Segmenting means categorizing the people in your database based on certain criteria and/or behaviors.

Some examples of segments that every organization should have are as follows:

  • Blog subscribers
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Customers

Why is this ineffective?

If you subscribed to a blog, what is the message you’d expect to get from that organization?

Content from their blog, right?

But this isn’t the case. Most of the time, organizations send promotional emails disguised as newsletters. This creates a cognitive dissonance in your audience.

These nuances add up. Different people have different thresholds. Once you go over that limit, you lose that person forever.

For example, you have a customer who just bought an item at a regular price. If you are not segmenting your list, you could end up sending a promo for the same item to the person who just bought at a regular price.

You’d end up disappointing that new customer. Albeit small, that person might not buy from you at regular prices anymore.

5. Not having a lead nurturing strategy

A proper lead nurturing strategy is essential if you want to succeed in email marketing.

An effective nurture strategy has one goal — to move that person from one stage in the funnel to the next.

Naturally, you need a well-defined marketing and sales funnel for that to happen. A sample funnel which I described in the previous section is this:

  • Blog subscriber
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Customer

Once someone enters a specific segment, that person should be sent automated emails that moves them to the next stage.

Why is this ineffective?

Without a cohesive strategy to manage your leads, you will end up failing in email marketing.

Let’s say you attended an event. You gave out dog treats in exchange for the person’s email.

When you get back to your office the next day, you added everything to your email marketing software. Then, send them your on-going promotions.

If you’re thinking that’s the right thing to do, you’re not thinking long-term. You’re violating the primary goal of lead nurturing.

The first thing you should send is a thank you email. Next, you should send them more info about your company, what you do, what makes you different, etc.

This warms up the lead. It “reminds” them who you are. It shows that you care about them, not just their money.

What About You

It’s no wonder a lot of marketers say their email marketing isn’t working.

Sending sales-y messages isn’t wrong. But it should not be the only thing you send out from your email marketing.

Almost everyone is doing that. If you want to stand out, it’s really easy.

Stop sending these sales messages.

Create helpful content. Send them to relevant segments. Focus on adding value through education.